Wishes Alone Will Not Grow the Account

Wishes Alone Will Not Grow the Account

We all do our little wishing thing…whether it’s blowing dandelions in the wind or wearing our “success” suit when the stakes are high. But it is not our hopes that grow our most important and strategic accounts; it is careful planning, hard work and, OK yes, a little bit of luck.

Here are two tips for strategic account planning success:

  1. Do the research.
    Learn all you can about your customer, their company, their industry, their marketplace, their competition. Use their web site, their annual report, the “word on the street,” and your network. Your goal should be to figure out their key initiatives, their current and future problems, and how you and your service can help them.

  2. Keep investing in the relationship.
    Never leave your customer hanging. Establish a plan for regular communication and stick to it. Stay on top of your customer’s issues so you provide value at each meeting…a fresh perspective or information on a topic of interest. This is how to deepen the relationship and keep competitors at bay.
Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/strategic-account-planning-training/

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