Lack of Trust is the Quicksand of Sales Account Planning


Not planning, or methodologies, or templates, or technologies, or marketing support – but trust.

Sounds corny and fluffy, but our experience with hundreds of sales account teams tells us that a lack of trust is one of the greatest underlying factors that threatens strategic account planning success.

Certainly much has been written about the need for trust between a customer and salesperson in order for the customer to buy. But, in the world of sales account planning, the lack of trust also plays a leading role. We contend that trust is the major hidden factor responsible for the inability of a sales team to grow key accounts.

Here are some reasons why sales team members might not bring their associates in on a deal even when they recognize there is both the need and potential to expand a strategic account.
  1. Unknown. They simply might not know enough about the other’s expertise to know when and how to best use their skills and knowledge to their advantage.

  2. Competence. They might not trust the other’s competence.

  3. Character. They may not trust the integrity or intentions that their associate would do the right thing for the team and the client.

  4. Baggage. Maybe they have been burned in the past when a co-worker blew the deal and the relationship, and they are afraid to take the risk for growth when the rewards may not be worth it.
Whatever the reason, you leave money on the table if you don’t have a team that believes in and leverages each other. When team members know the strengths of their teammates and trust their intentions and abilities, you can safely overcome the quicksand of sales losses and enjoy higher revenue growth within your strategic accounts.

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