Don’t Let Your Sales Account Plans Go Cold

Designing and implementing effective sales account plans should help you and your sales teams retain and grow your largest and most profitable clients.

Just the focus alone can be invaluable to a sales team looking to grow faster.

Unfortunately, many well intentioned sales teams leave their sales account plans out in the cold. After the initial excitement of targeting their best opportunities and their highest potential clients wears off, they revert to the behaviors that supported a previous, less effective process.

Successful sales account planning is all about deliberate, consistent, and focused follow through. Once your sales targets have been identified for your top 10 to 20% of current and potential clients make sure that you put a solid process in place to execute the plans that includes:
  1. Compensation. Aligning sales compensation

  2. Relationships. Ensuring that you are talking to the “right” people about the “right” solutions

  3. Continuous Improvement. Making the account plan a living document that is consistently reviewed, measured, discussed, updated, and improved.

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